Friday, April 18, 2008

April Check-up

Macie just had one of her 6mo check-ups in St. Louis yesterday. All of the testing is back with good reports! Mike and I can hardily believe she is 18mo out from her lifesaving donation. Let alone that our little miracle is turning 2 next month!
Macie is doing so many amazing things now. She mastered walking in January, checked out of Early Intervention (EI) in February, took total control over the house in March! And is tube free in April (her feeding tube was removed yesterday)! She talks all the time, Mike and I were just wondering when our last conversation was?
April is organ donation month. So if your not registered yet (if registered before 1/2006 you MUST re-register) please go to to register or let us know and Mike and I can register you. Macie's donor mother Tania has been in contact with us and tells us that it brings her comfort to know her daughter Destiny saved Macie's life. Michael and I are grateful for Tania's beautiful decision to donate life.

Michael, Michelle & Macie Fay

1 comment:

Margaret and Tom said...

Yeah! Great news...No tube!!! Such a big girl! Love the picture with Luke too :)